The first two were made before starting levelZero. The rest were created as part of the Mark15 point system.
A minimal ToDo application that permits only 5 tasks at a time. Never get overwhelmed with ToDo lists again.
An app that makes timestamp adjustment easy for creators who repurpose their content across various platforms.
A CLI Quiz App that tests how well you know me.
A CLI Quiz App that tests how informed you are about cars.
An app that translates english text into Minion language. traigo pik kapee! (that's minionese for 'try it out!')
An app that translates plain english text into Pig Latin.
Portfolio website to list my projects and blogs.
A react app that explains the meanings of different emojis.
A react app that recommends the best three tech products from four categories.
A Javascript app that provides the change for cash received in the minimum number of notes possible.
A JavaScript app that checks if your birthday is lucky.
A JavaScript app that's all about triangles. Calculate area and hypotenuse, check if three angles make a triangles, or indulge in a fun quiz.
Check if your birthdate is a palindrome. If not, know by how many days you missed.
Check the profit or loss made on the Stock Market with this JavaScript app.